
Investors in People Sixth Generation

Posted April 04, 2017

Investors in People Sixth Generation

IIP Sixth Generation, ATEC’s Journey of Continuous Improvement

Our journey began back in 2013 when we took the decision to work with Investors in People as we recognised that IIP sets out the criteria for high performance through people.


“It is a simple framework to benchmark the effectiveness of leadership and management practices in any organisation”.


This was never just about attaining a “badge on the wall” , we wanted a journey of continuous improvement that would be never ending in our quest to fulfil our strap line of “striving for excellence”.


The initial assessment went well, we attained the basic level of the standard. We realised that not only had we achieved the basic level we had done so well in excess of the basic level in some areas and decided at our next review stage in 2015 to “Go for Gold”. Hence we were assessed against the Gold level of the standard. Low and behold we achieved Gold status and were accredited in July 2015.


Our next review date came along and along with that came a change to the standard. , September 2015 saw the launch of the Sixth Generation Standard – the update and revision was based on the features of leading organisations from across the world, the bar just got raised!


“This accreditation is an outstanding achievement. It requires genuine commitment from leaders, passionate employees and everyone focused on the ambitions of the organisation.”


To employees

"accreditation signals a high performing culture and a commitment to their development and success"


To customers

"it signals quality products/services"


To stakeholders

"it signals a leadership team to trust"


IIP Sixth Generation Assessment Outcome

Detailed analysis of ATEC’s assessment against the IIP framework. The table shows the assessed maturity level across the 27 themes within the IIP framework, sixth generation.



Under the new version of the standard ATEC achieved Silver status, March 2017. Investors in people expect Silver accreditation to be awarded to the top 5 percentile of organisations assessed. This is a very positive score for a first assessment against the Version 6 framework.


“Well done to everyone who contributed and continues to contribute to ATEC’s success with the Investors in People journey.”

What's next?

We will continue to work with Investors in People over the next few years to bridge the gap between Silver and Gold and forge ahead with our journey for continuous improvement.


“Organisations that meet the world recognised Investors in People Standard reflect the very best in people management excellence”.


“”60% of Investors in People accredited organisations predict business growth, compared to the UK business average of 47%, demonstrating the difference excellence in people management makes to performance.”