
NDI Networking Breakfast

Posted February 02, 2019

NDI Networking Breakfast


The ATEC site recently played host to the latest NDI Networking Breakfast, allowing networking with 9 other NDI member companies.


Networking is always a mix of making new contacts and building existing relationships. This is process through which good and mutually beneficial business opportunities can evolve. The chance to network with others focussed on the niche defence sector is particularly valuable.


We have already arranged a follow-up meeting with one of the SME's involved.


The event also gave the opportunity to present ATEC capabilities and offer a comprehensive factory tour.


Over recent months, we have reported on the significant investment we have made across our manufacturing site on Shield Drive. We are pleased that our efforts are being noticed!



We received several complimentary observations during the factory tour at the NDI event. These reflect the positive feedback we have received from other visiting companies and organisations over recent months. It is always good to receive this sort of comment and we certainly appreciate the changes to our day to day working environment.


We always appreciate the opportunity to welcome customers. If you would like to visit, do get in touch