
Reshaping the Shop Floor

Posted February 02, 2021

Reshaping the Shop Floor

Atec, along with partner companies including BAE Systems, GKN, Meggit, Nissan and Rolls Royce, is currently taking part in a digitisation project, creating a 'Smart Connected Shop Floor'.


The project aims to integrate digital technology, initiating a connected facility where decisions are made based on live accessible data presented across all areas of the business from a central location.


This central hub will be open for all partners to access, interact and analyse up-to-date information to enable smarter, data-driven decisions - connecting with customers and suppliers.


The project will enhance productivity, allowing the business to become more streamlined, reduce costs and reduce Atec's environmental impact.


Once complete it will remove paperwork from the shop floor and utilise technology to improve efficiency within Atec's operations, delivering increased value to customers.