
Significant Developments on Standards and Procedures

Posted February 02, 2017

Significant Developments on Standards and Procedures

Significant Developments on Standards and Procedures

We also recognise that it is always possible to raise standards even higher which means that no matter how satisfied our clients, process improvement and benchmark raising is in our DNA.

As well as working to achieve the best performance, it is also useful to put our processes to independent test and audit. This both gives third-party confirmation and recognition of the way we operate and also helps us to demonstrate our effectiveness to customers and potential customers.

We are proud of the wide range of high-specification approvals and authorisations we hold. You can see some of them here.

New Sectors – New Approvals

Expanding into new sectors is a process that has seen significant acceleration in recent months. Consequently, we are finding increasing opportunities to put our processes forward for scrutiny!

With ATEC taking on more work in the Utilities sector, we quickly learnt the value placed on Achilles. The platform is a key element in service procurement and vendor selection.

During 2016, we set up an internal project to achieve Achilles recognition and registration. We have now passed a challenging assessment under the Achillies UVDB (Utilities Vendor Data Base). As well as registration as a supplier on UVDB for our core products and services, we are particularly pleased with our on-site assessments where we achieved a maximum 100% for quality.


Still we strive for excellence….

Notwithstanding our existing certificates both established and new, the world is evolving and as new demands and threats present themselves. We need to take these on board.

Cyber security is all over the media at the moment. As an international technology business, ATEC must take a lead.

We have recently completed assessment against the Cyber Essentials Standard. We are pleased to report that we meet the requirements of the scheme. A great starting point for the ongoing focus on IT and internet security.

Coming in 2017…

Alongside our recent developments, we have more plans for raising our standards even further during the coming year. As previewed before Christmas, we now have programmes in place working towards achieving accreditation in the latest ISO 14001 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001/ISO45001 (Health & Safety) standards